Proving Up

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
--Isaiah 55:12

ECPA Bestseller!

Promises of free land lured thousands to stake their claim to the vast American plains. They built make-do homes and put all they had into improving the land. Readers will enjoy nine adventures as God helps homesteaders find someone with whom to share the dream—the work—and the love.

Proving Up - Swedeburg, Nebraska (1885) ~ Elsa Lindstrom applies her scientific theories to growing trees on the Nebraska plains, intruding on a handsome homesteader's hard work and experience. Will their dreams come to ruin, or will love prove their success?

Book Quotes

"I'm read to prove up, Nettie." Nils Svensson spoke out loud,
his only audience his grove of trees...and God.
The hearty cottonwoods, with their leafy branches,
reached into the sky above in agreement.
--Proving Up, 107


"This is a wonderful story containing a fascinating forest of facts on the Timber Culture Act of 1873 that’s grafted into a blossoming love story! Lovely story and characterization and some sigh-worthy love scenes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!"  Noella N., Overcoming with God

"For a novella, this one was sure full of a number of surprises! I can't say too much or else it will be spoiled, but this one was a fun read. I even learned a little bit about how the government used incentives to get homesteaders to plant more trees on the Nebraska plains. ~ D. L. Kamstra
"This is a sweet story of hope and love beyond all that could be imagined! Join these homesteaders as their hearts blend into all that is waiting for them." ~ Lane Hill House

"Rich in historical detail, Proving Up is a fascinating story. . .Gade has done her research and brought a moving tale of determination to succeed, while showing a great love of the land, the trees, and the people. The focus of the story is on Nils and Elsa, neighboring tree farmers but there is much included about community and the importance of supporting one another through tough times. . .
The story kept me glued to my chair, not because of any suspense factor but because of the plot, dialogue and heart of the characters; their faith and rock solid belief that God was with them no matter what. . .This novella is worthy of high marks and I highly recommend it to any fan of historical fiction. It was reminiscent of reading a Janette Oke book, only shorter."" ~ Anne Payne

"The Homestead Brides Collection is a wonderful collection of novellas by some of my favorite authors! Each of the nine novellas features pioneers working hard to achieve their dreams of land ownership. I loved the strength and determination of these early settlers and the hope they all clung to was inspiring! This collection boasts rich, historical details, engaging storylines, and tender romances. I loved The Homestead Brides Collection and highly recommend it to fans of historical romance!" ~ Amazon reviewer

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