An excerpt fro 31 Devotions for Writers
Christ-confidence by Carla Olson Gade
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the kno.wledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5
An author’s greatest asset is their mind. It can also be their worst enemy. Not only does the imagination have the capacity to write a great book, but unleashed it has the potential to strike at any given moment. Just think of some of the places you have been when you found yourself scrambling for a scrap of paper and pen so you wouldn’t lose that great thought. Church. A funeral. The check-out line. A movie theater. A traffic light. Hold that thought? Impossible.
Yet some imaginations can take root and inhibit our ability to achieve the work that God has set for us to do in accordance with his will. On one end of the spectrum we might have low confidence, on the other pride. Fear drives both of these and often is separated by a thin line.
Fear of not becoming published, fear of becoming published.
Pride can deceive us, prevent us from opening ourselves to vulnerability of constructive critique or continued learning. We may be tempted to jump ahead and submit our writing before it is ready, before we are ready, lest we lose an opportunity—disappoint ourselves, and others. But in doing so we might by not keeping in step with God’s timing.
My insecurity paralyzed me to the point of almost giving up on my dreams of becoming published. Although I had experienced God’s transforming work in my life as I worked through my issues of low self-esteem, negativity still invaded my thoughts and tried to convince me that I wasn’t good enough, not qualified. How would I ever withstand criticism or rejection, the expectations of myself and others? One of my last obstacles to becoming published then was the false imaginings that I succumbed to time and again. I knew I needed to relinquish these fears to God if I were ever to realize the calling He had given me.
When I truly embraced the truth that God had qualified me and I had prepared for this work, I gained a new confidence. A Christ-confidence. By taking the negative thoughts captive and renewing them in God’s truth about me, my mind has been transformed. This allows me to be more discerning in my decisions and with the very words that I write. It is a well where I can continually be refreshed.
Reflection: Nineteenth century author George MacDonald said, “A true imagination is beholding a truth of God.” What truth must you embrace?
Dear Lord, I relinquish __________. Please transform my mind and help me to continually immerse myself in the truth of your Word. In the name of Jesus, Amen.